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[android]\ class LifecycleCoroutineLauncher(val owner: LifecycleOwner) : SimpleCoroutineLauncher

A SimpleCoroutineLauncher that launches coroutines in the STARTED state.


LifecycleCoroutineLauncher [android]
constructor(owner: LifecycleOwner)


Name Summary
launcherScope [android]
override val launcherScope: CoroutineScope
loading [android]
override val loading: MutableValueFlow<Int>
owner [android]
val owner: LifecycleOwner


Name Summary
launch [android]
open fun launch(context: CoroutineContext, start: CoroutineStart, withLoading: MutableValueFlow<Int>?, onError: suspend (Throwable) -> Unit?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job
onError [android]
open override fun onError(error: Throwable)
rawLaunch [android]
open override fun rawLaunch(context: CoroutineContext, start: CoroutineStart, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job
track [android]
open suspend fun track(withLoading: MutableValueFlow<Int>?, onError: suspend (Throwable) -> Unit?, block: suspend () -> Unit)