interface AttachedDisposables : DisposableHandle
A Disposable that can have additional Disposable
s attached to it, so they are automatically disposed together with this object.
BaseAutoRunner |
Name | Summary |
attachedDisposables | [common] abstract val attachedDisposables: DisposableGroup The attached disposables which should be auto-disposed when this object is disposed. |
Name | Summary |
dispose | [common] open override fun dispose() Default implementation disposing the attachedDisposables. |
disposeOnCompletionOf | [common] fun Disposable.disposeOnCompletionOf(launcher: CoroutineLauncher): Disposable Disposes the Disposable when CoroutineLauncher completes (including cancellation). [common] fun Disposable.disposeOnCompletionOf(context: CoroutineContext): Disposable Disposes the Disposable when CoroutineContext completes (including cancellation). [common] fun Disposable.disposeOnCompletionOf(scope: CoroutineScope): Disposable Disposes the Disposable when CoroutineScope completes (including cancellation). [common] fun Disposable.disposeOnCompletionOf(job: Job): Disposable Disposes the Disposable when Job completes (including cancellation). |